view - определение. Что такое view
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Что (кто) такое view - определение

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Найдено результатов: 1222
1) to air, express, present, put forward, voice a view
2) to harbor, hold a view
3) to advance, advocate a view
4) to exchange views
5) to take a view
6) a cheerful, optimistic, rosy; dim, grave, pessimistic view (she took a dim view of the matter)
7) advanced; contrary; conservative; divergent; diverse; liberal, progressive; modem; old-fashioned; outdated, outmoded; philosophical; political; popular; radical; reactionary; slanted; sound; strong; unpopular views
8) a view about, on
9) a view that + clause (they disputed my view that taxes should be raised)
10) in smb.'s view (in my view the offer is unacceptable)
11) to get a view of
12) to block smb.'s view
13) a beautiful, breathtaking, magnificent, superb view
14) a clear, unhampered, unimpaired view
15) a bird's eye; close-up; full; full-length view
16) in, within view (in full view of the public)
17) (misc.) to come into view
18) an exploded view
what can be seen
19) a rear view
20) a view from (the view from the window)
21) (misc.) a room with a nice view (of the ocean)
22) with a view (with a view to reestablishing diplomatic relations)
23) in view of ('in consideration of'); a point of view
v. (d; tr.) to view as (she was viewed as a serious threat to the party leadership)
¦ noun
1. the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place.
2. a sight or prospect from a particular position, typically an attractive one.
3. an attitude or opinion.
4. an inspection of things for sale by prospective purchasers, especially of works of art.
¦ verb
1. look at or inspect.
inspect (a house or other property) with the prospect of buying or renting it.
watch (a programme) on television.
Hunting see (a fox) break cover.
2. regard in a particular way: he was viewed as an eccentric.
in full view clearly visible.
in view
1. visible.
2. in one's mind or as one's aim.
in view of because or as a result of.
on view being shown or exhibited to the public.
with a view to with the hope or intention of.
viewable adjective
viewing noun
viewless adjective
ME: from Anglo-Norman Fr. vieue, feminine past participle of veoir 'see', from L. videre.
I. v. a.
Survey, scan, eye, see, witness, behold, inspect, explore, contemplate, look on or upon, turn the eyes to, have in sight.
Consider, regard, study, contemplate, think about, reflect upon, survey intellectually, examine with the mental eye.
II. n.
Sight, survey, inspection, examination by the eye.
Mental survey, intellectual examination.
Sight, reach of the sight.
Prospect, scene, vista, perspective.
Sketch, picture.
Design, purpose, object, aim, intent, intention, scope, drift.
Opinion, judgment, notion, belief, impression, idea, sentiment, conception.
Appearance, show, aspect.
(views, viewing, viewed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Your views on something are the beliefs or opinions that you have about it, for example whether you think it is good, bad, right, or wrong.
Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir...
My own view is absolutely clear. What I did was right...
You should also make your views known to your local MP.
N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N on n, N that
Your view of a particular subject is the way that you understand and think about it.
The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject...
The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centred view of religion...
N-SING: with supp, oft N of n
If you view something in a particular way, you think of it in that way.
First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity...
Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry...
We would view favourably any sensible suggestion for maintaining the business.
= regard
VERB: V n as n/-ing, V n with/in n, V n with adv
The view from a window or high place is everything which can be seen from that place, especially when it is considered to be beautiful.
The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside...
If you have a view of something, you can see it.
He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard...
N-SING: with supp, oft N of n, poss N
You use view in expressions to do with being able to see something. For example, if something is in view, you can see it. If something is in full view of everyone, everyone can see it.
She was lying there in full view of anyone who walked by...
A group of riders came into view on the dirt road...
N-UNCOUNT: in/into N
If you view something, you look at it for a particular purpose. (FORMAL)
They came back to view the house again...
If you view a television programme, video, or film, you watch it. (FORMAL)
We have viewed the video recording of the incident...
'Elizabeth R', a TV portrait of the Queen, had record viewing figures.
VERB: V n, V-ing
View refers to the way in which a piece of text or graphics is displayed on a computer screen. (COMPUTING)
To see the current document in full-page view, click the Page Zoom Full button.
If you take a dim view or a poor view of someone or something, you disapprove of them or have a low opinion of them.
They took a dim view of local trade unionists...
PHRASE: v PHR, usu PHR of n
You use in my view when you want to indicate that you are stating a personal opinion, which other people might not agree with.
In my view things won't change...
PHRASE: PHR with cl
You use in view of when you are taking into consideration facts that have just been mentioned or are just about to be mentioned.
In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable...
If you have something in view, you are aware of it and your actions are aimed towards it.
They have very clear career aims in view...
Ackroyd worked out this whole plot with one objective in view.
= in mind
PHRASE: usu PHR after v
If you take the long view, you consider what is likely to happen in the future over a long period, rather than thinking only about things that are going to happen soon.
Some investors are taking the long view...
PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR of n
If something such as a work of art is on view, it is shown in public for people to look at.
A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.
PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
If you do something with a view to doing something else, you do it because you hope it will result in that other thing being done.
He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.
PHRASE: PHR -ing/n
·noun Appearance; show; aspect.
II. View ·noun The act of seeing or beholding; sight; look; survey; examination by the eye; inspection.
III. View ·noun Power of seeing, either physically or mentally; reach or range of sight; extent of prospect.
IV. View ·noun The pictorial representation of a scene; a sketch, /ither drawn or painted; as, a fine view of Lake George.
V. View ·noun Mental survey; intellectual perception or examination; as, a just view of the arguments or facts in a case.
VI. View ·vt To survey or examine mentally; to Consider; as, to view the subject in all its aspects.
VII. View ·noun That which is seen or beheld; sight presented to the natural or intellectual eye; scene; prospect; as, the view from a window.
VIII. View ·noun That which is looked towards, or kept in sight, as object, aim, intention, purpose, design; as, he did it with a view of escaping.
IX. View ·noun Mode of looking at anything; manner of apprehension; conception; opinion; judgment; as, to state one's views of the policy which ought to be pursued.
X. View ·vt To See; to Behold; especially, to look at with attention, or for the purpose of examining; to examine with the eye; to Inspect; to Explore.
View (SQL)         
Database view; Data view; View (database)
In a database, a view is the result set of a stored query on the data, which the database users can query just as they would in a persistent database collection object. This pre-established query command is kept in the database dictionary.
View Magazine         
VIEW was a free magazine located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. It was first published on January 5, 1995.
View (disambiguation); Views
A Smalltalk extension for computer algebra. "An Object Oriented Approach to Algebra System Design", K. Abdali et al, in Symp Symb Alg Manip, ACM 1986, pp.24-30.
View (magazine)         
View (journal)
View was an American literary and art magazine published from 1940 to 1947 by artist and writer Charles Henri Ford, and writer and film critic Parker Tyler. The magazine is best known for introducing Surrealism to the American public.
View (Buddhism)         
  • isbn=9780415220736}}</ref>
Right view; Drsti; Dṛṣṭi; Diṭṭhi; Ditthi
View or position (Pali , Sanskrit ) is a central idea in Buddhism. In Buddhist thought, a view is not a simple, abstract collection of propositions, but a charged interpretation of experience which intensely shapes and affects thought, sensation, and action.



Acornsoft was the software arm of Acorn Computers, and a major publisher of software for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron. As well as games, it also produced a large number of educational titles, extra computer languages and business and utility packages – these included word processor VIEW and the spreadsheet ViewSheet supplied on ROM and cartridge for the BBC Micro/Acorn Electron and included as standard in the BBC Master and Acorn Business Computer.